Cashmere and what makes it
so expensive
By Raja
Cashmere, the mantle of kings, is well known for being one of the softest and most luxurious fibers. It is noble, rare and precious, just like diamonds or gold. Pure cashmere is very expensive due to its unique characteristics and the involved production process, where the fibers are separated by hand from the molted coats of a particular goat, the Capra hircus laniger, which lives in the cold mountainous regions of the highlands of Asia. The climatic conditions of these areas are hostile with peaks of minus 30-40°. The strong changes in temperature between day and night boost the development of cashmere or as it is called it “golden fleece" which is generated physiologically from the animal in winter to protect itself from harsh weather. Cashmere is obtained from the underside of the goats or the neck region. Cashmere goats produce two types of hair—a soft undercoat and a rougher outercoat. The woolly undercoat is what becomes the cashmere.

Cashmere got its name from the Indian region of Kashmir where it appeared in the 17th century as precious scarves and shawls. Cashmere goats live around the world but there is a large population of them in China and Mongolia. Cashmere is significantly finer and softer than sheep’s wool. It is superfine and even softer than Merino, it is super delicate. An extra fine merino wool has a fineness ranging from 15 to 19 microns while cashmere ranges from 11 to 18 microns.
A cashmere goat produces no more than 200-300 grams of cashmere in a year and is collected in spring, during the natural moulting season. It takes 3 to 4 goats to make just one coat. It’s a very finite resource, there is only a certain amount produced in the world. It is rare, so it’s priced accordingly.
Cashmere fiber is hollow; therefore, it is extremely soft and light. The air chamber inside the fiber acts as a thermal insulator and has the exceptional property of thermo-regulating your body with respect to the external temperatures. So it is warm and very soft, but at the same time light and resistant, it allows the skin to transpire and is comfortable. Cashmere can absorb moisture into its hollow fibers, keeping warm and dry.
If you are willing to invest a little more on your custom coat, cashmere is your option. It is warmer, softer and more luminous. Cashmere ensures timeless elegance and essential comfort. A pure cashmere jacket is incredibly luxurious and keeps the wearer comfortable without the heavy fabric weight. A jacket in pure cashmere will pair with your custom chinos all winter long. A classic, timeless coat that is an essential part of any wardrobe.